Man or Monster: Unmasking Villains

The fairy-tale villain is dead. Long live the character with many different faces lurking behind their most sinister mask.

Writing Contests (and Why They Make Us Want to Hurl)

Writing contests are great avenues for exposure and constructive criticism. So why does the prospect of entering them make us feel physically ill?

Writing and Implementing Character Backstories

Everyone has history, even if nobody reads about it. Character backstories are the writer’s inspiration, cheat sheets, psychological evaluations, and vindication, all rolled into one.

When She Was Me by Marlee Bush: a Book Review

In Marlee Bush’s When She Was Me, twin sisters must unravel the tangled web of their identities and piece together the past, one step at a time.

Dangerous Women by Mark de Castrique: a Book Review

Age really is just a number in Mark de Castrique’s fast-paced and quick-witted thriller titled Dangerous Women.

The Last Carolina Girl by Meagan Church: a Book Review

In The Last Carolina Girl, Leah Payne experiences many ways in which life can suddenly change: from losing the person you love most to the harsh edicts of a corrupt government institution.

The Power of Free-range Pens

The world is a scary place that often leaves us feeling like the butt of some cosmic joke. But pens are still mighty and capable of giving reality the occasional swift kick in the ass.