Finding Your Groove: Music and the Creative Writing Process

The sound of silence doesn’t inspire everyone; sometimes writers have to learn to march to the beat of their own (or someone else’s very talented) drum.

How to Appreciate the First (Sucky) Draft

Lesson the first for every writer everywhere: the first draft almost always sucks. But that’s okay. In fact, sometimes that works to your advantage.

To Outline or Not to Outline: Is There a Question?

Every writer creates their own outline in their own way and in their own time. Unless, of course, they skip it altogether.

The Art of Giving Constructive Feedback (without Becoming a Doormat or a Dictator)

Writers everywhere agonize over the reality of releasing their work to some grammar fanatic and inviting them to fire at will. But step into an editor’s shoes and you’ll see that our jobs aren’t as cut-and-dried as you might think.