The Hungry Bones by Sara E. Johnson: a Book Review

The phrase “lying through your teeth” takes on a whole new meaning in Sara E. Johnson’s The Hungry Bones. Many thanks to Sourcebooks Landmark and Poisoned Pen Press for the advanced copy to review.

When She Was Me by Marlee Bush: a Book Review

In Marlee Bush’s When She Was Me, twin sisters must unravel the tangled web of their identities and piece together the past, one step at a time.

Murder in Williamstown by Kerry Greenwood: a Book Review

The game is afoot—and a rather stylishly clad one, at that—in Kerry Greenwood’s Murder in Williamstown.

Dangerous Women by Mark de Castrique: a Book Review

Age really is just a number in Mark de Castrique’s fast-paced and quick-witted thriller titled Dangerous Women.