Writing Mythical Creatures

Fiction writing lends itself to an endless array of characters, from humans to mythical creatures: borrowed, created, or something in between.

30 Tips for Writers, Editors, and Everything in Between

If they’re doing it right, writers never stop picking up tips, learning hard-earned lessons, and toasting the triumphs that sustain them during even the worst writer’s block funks.

The Art of Giving Constructive Feedback (without Becoming a Doormat or a Dictator)

Writers everywhere agonize over the reality of releasing their work to some grammar fanatic and inviting them to fire at will. But step into an editor’s shoes and you’ll see that our jobs aren’t as cut-and-dried as you might think.

Writer’s Block: If You Can’t Beat It, Steer into the Skid

Writer’s block is a fact of life for us word nerds, so sometimes you’ve got to stop fighting it and steer into the skid.

The Power of Free-range Pens

The world is a scary place that often leaves us feeling like the butt of some cosmic joke. But pens are still mighty and capable of giving reality the occasional swift kick in the ass.

Writing Romance (without Sounding Like a Sap)

Writing romance (without sounding like a sap) doesn’t have to be an exercise in clichés. Learn to avoid this genre’s tired tropes, or at least how to use them to your advantage.